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Two-pot tool: What type of member are you?

The two-pot system will affect all members of all retirement funds, but not in the same way. For provident fund members, it depends, among others, on your age, when you joined your current fund, and whether you transferred your fund credit between retirement funds.

Atleha-edu created this easy-to-use questionnaire tool for provident fund members to help you understand how two-pot will affect your retirement savings. 

The information provided in this infographic application was correct at the time of release, but changes and updates to the new system may occur. For the most reliable and up to date information on the two-pot retirement system, please visit:

ASISA Foundation Retirement Fund Trustee Education
ASISA Foundation WageWise Programme
Atleha-edu: Two-pot
Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA)
Smart About Money
Tax and Two-pot